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Roles and Responsibilities​


Managerial roles are acquired by dedicated citizens who have demonstrated capability of handling them. These merits are acquired natively through the DAO, and typically require KPI-driven metrics of success, such as time dedication or total USDC earned.

Managers are responsible for thorough documentation, communication, and preparation around initiatives in order to facilitate a streamlined experience for our clients, as well as our citizens. This includes creating docs and spreadsheets, scheduling live workshops or meetings, and a greater time commitment.

Managers are expected to be motivated and organized, possibly available at short notice. Upper Managers oversee initiatives and budget execution, under which additional Managers oversee individual tasks or sessions.


Most roles available are non-managerial. These include, but are not limited to, providing feedback, seeking allocated initiatives (bounties), seeking grants, and providing DAO tooling.

All Citizens and Business Visa holders are eligible and encouraged to seek or propose initiatives that will help grow our community, or improve the services we provide.

Everything from website design, partnership propositions, graphic design work, feedback, and most other available work within the DAO, exists within a simple framework.

  • 1) The DAO agrees on a Budget Proposal which specifies tasks and expected roles
  • 2) Managers specified in the budget oversee and document task completion
  • 3) Citizens/BV holders provide work for pay