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Getting started​

We want participants in our feedback sessions who have strong opinions that come from a lot of experience in a related industry, that they may shed their expertise on the UX of a particular app or protocol, and refine the overall services Dean’s List offers.

In order to participate in Feedback Sessions, or compete for allocated initiatives, you must have either a Business Visa or a Dean’s List NFT.

There you will see open and incoming sessions available for feedback. All feedback must be conducted on either our DL Dash or Onboarding server. Session Managers will be available in sub-threads within the Available Work Channel for questions and additional orientation. Many Sessions will be concluded with a live Workshop where the comments are explored and defended live with the Founders or Devs of the associated protocol.


Workshop attendance & participation unlocks greater payouts. For this purpose, each participant will have to share at least one point of feedback with the client team and take their view on it on call.

  • All feedback should be accompanied with media and cannot be generalized comments
  • Feedback will be graded as "0" for repetitions / invalid / incomplete points, "1" for Valid Points & "2" for Feedback that comes with proof of on chain transactions

Business Visa Workflow​

Join the Onboarding Server!

  1. Apply for a business visa: Apply Here

  2. Verify your Business Visa on Discord (Please wait ~5 minutes after verifying to receive the Business Visa Role!): Verify Here

  3. Connect your Discord to the DL Dash (Must have the BV Role on Discord): Connect Here

  4. Ping @Baba to be added to the available Feedback Sessions!